AN - Annexation | GP - General Plat Amendment | PP - Premiminary Plat |
CUP - Conditional Use Permit | MP - Minor Plat Amendment | SP - Site Plan |
FP - Final Plat | MS - Minor Subdivision Amendment | ZA - Zone Change |

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Documents sorted by HEADER in Ascending Order within category
Current Projects25 documents
- Anela Townhomes PP
- Anela Townhomes ZA
- Annie's Acres Subdivision PP
- Canyon Breeze Manor PUD RPP
- Canyon Creek Phase 10 FP
- Canyon Creek Phase 5.3 SP
- Canyon Creek Phase 8.4 SP
- Clegg Auto Sales Expansion SP
- DAC-Swenson AN
- Evans ZA
- Ford - Harward Subdivision PP
- Hideout Storage CUP
- Hideout Storage SP
- Legacy Farms at Spanish Fork PP
- Morrell Annexation AN
- North Star Printing SP
- Olson Duplex ZA
- Parkview Townhomes Phase 6 FP
- Parkview Townhomes Phase 7 FP
- Parkway Professional Plaza ZA
- River Point Subdivision Phase 2 RFP
- Steve Johnson AN
- Sunset Village PP
- Voorhees Subdivision MS
- Voorhees Subdivision ZA
Completed Project Applications331 documents
201826 documents
- 2550 East Detention Basin SP
- Albertson's Center No. 3 Plat C MP
- Alteration Shop CUP
- Bonner Substation SP
- C & J Properties Office Building SP
- Davis Development MS
- Davis Development ZA
- Fairgrounds Stall Barn 2018 SP
- Geslison Plat A MS
- Hampton Inn and Suites SP
- Healey Subdivision MS
- Legacy Farms at Spanish Fork Plat 5A FP
- Legacy Farms C4-C RFP
- LKL South County SP
- Maple Mountain Estates Plat D FP
- Maple Park Estates Plat C FP
- Meadow Creek Ridge phase 2 FP
- Meadow Creek Ridge phase 4 FP
- Meadow Creek Ridge RPP
- Newport Village RPP
- Ottesen ZA
- Perez Townhomes FP
- Rees Apartments SP
- Rees Apartments ZA
- Spanish Fork River Trail Phase 2 SP
- Spanish Fork Sports Park SP
201793 documents
- 350 South Generator Addition to Existing Cell Site CUP
- 400 N Office Condos Plat A MS
- 450 East ZA
- 450 North and 45 East Zone Change
- 7 + 7 Medical Office SP
- Anderson ZA
- Anthem Park Phase 1 FP
- Anthem Park Phase 2 FP
- Anthem Park Subdivision PP
- Anthem Park Subdivision ZA
- Arctic Circle MP
- Arctic Circle SP
- AT&T 300 West CUP
- Caby Development MS
- Canyon Creek Phase 3 Plat B FP
- Canyon Creek Phase 5 - SAPA ZA
- Canyon Creek Phase 5 FP
- Canyon Creek Phase 5 Site Work
- Canyon Creek Phase 8 Site Work SP
- Canyon Creek Phase 8B FP
- Canyon Creek Shopping Center 9.7
- Canyon Vista Estates Phase 4 FP
- Canyon Vista Estates Phase 4 RFP
- Canyon Vista Estates Plat E FP
- Casey Duplex SP
- Casey ZA
- Christmas Subdivision MS
- Cobblestone Towhomes ZA
- Cobblestone Townhomes FP
- Cobblestone Townhomes PP
- Discount Tire SP
- Eagle Cove Plat B RFP
- Eagle Cove RPP
- Grifols SP
- Grotegut Subdivision MP
- Hampton Spanish Fork CUP
- Head Start Preschool SP
- Kwok Plat A MS
- Landmark ZA
- Legacy Farms 3A RFP
- Legacy Farms C3 RFP
- Legacy Farms C4a FP
- Legacy Farms C4b FP
- Legacy Farms C4c FP
- Maple Highlands Ward PP
- Maple Highlands Ward SP
- Maple Mountain Estates Phase 3 FP
- Maple Mountain Estates Plat D FP
- Maple Park Estates Plat A FP
- Maple Park Estates Plat B FP
- Maple Park Estates ZA
- Mark Wilson Properties SP
- Mcinelly Estates Plat B MP
- McInelly Estates Plat C MP
- McKell Office Condominiums Plat A MP
- McKell Office Condominiums Plat A SP
- Meadow Creek Ridge Townhomes PP
- Meadow Creek Ridge ZA
- Mountain Country Addition SP
- Newport Village Phase 2 FP
- North Springs Business Park lot 3 and 4 SP
- Old Mill Estates Plat H FP
- Panda Express SP
- Park View Townhome Phase 5 FP
- Park View Townhomes Phase 3 RFP
- Park View Townhomes Phase 4 FP
- Perez Townhomes PP
- Perez Townhomes ZA
- Pipe and pole yard SP
- Pro Build SP
- Public Works Electrical Canopy SP
- Public Works Steel Canopy SP
- Robarge Collision SP
- Robarge Collision ZA
- Spanish Fork Airport Hangars SP
- Spanish Trails Plat F MP
- Sunny Ridge MP
- T-Mobile 500 South - CUP
- The Ridge Phase 3 FP
- Vincent Ridge Plat B RFP
- Vincent Ridge Plat C MP
- Vincent Ridge RPP
- Walmart Signage Plan PSP
- Warner Annexation
- Weavers Vineyard PP
- Weavers Vineyard ZA
- White Rail Plat E FP
- White Rail Plat F FP
- Wiggy Wash MS
- Wiggy Wash Phase 3 Plat A FP
- Wiggy Wash SP 1-25-17
- Wiggy Wash SP 3-15-17
201681 documents
- 1000 North ZA
- 10th Street Condos Plat A FP
- Ace Hardware FP
- Ace Hardware SP
- Adam Idsinga Chiropractic Office SP
- ALA addition SP February 2016
- ALA Addition SP July 2016
- AT&T 300 West antenna modification CUP
- Bradford FP
- Bradford RPP
- Bradford SP
- Bridle Creek PP
- Canyon Breeze Manor PP
- Canyon Breeze Manor ZA
- Canyon Creek Phase 2 lot 4 re-approval SP
- Canyon Creek Shopping Center Phase 8 FP
- Canyon Creek Shopping Center Phase 9 FP
- Canyon Creek Shopping Center Phase 9 SP
- Canyon Creek Shopping Center RPP
- Canyon Ridge, Heritage Church Building SP
- Canyon Vista Estates Plat A FP
- Canyon Vista Estates Plat B
- Cook Chiropractic SP
- Dave's Storage Expansion SP
- Dave's Storage Expansion ZA
- Eagle Cove Plat B FP
- Eagle Cove PP
- Eagle Cove RPP
- Golf Course Addition
- Hansen Self Storage SP
- Hansen Self Storage ZA
- I-15 Storage SP
- Legacy Farms 3A FP
- Legacy Farms C3 FP
- Ludlow Farms MP
- Maple Mountain Estates Phase 1 FP
- Maple Mountain Estates Phase 1 RFP
- Maple Mountain Estates Phase 2 FP
- Maple Mountain Estates Phase 2 RFP
- Maple Mountain Estates RPP
- Maple Mountain Q FP
- Maple Mountain Townhomes G1 and G2 FP
- Maple Mountain Townhomes Plat J FP
- Maple Park Estates PP
- Nelson Annexation
- Newport Village Phase 1 FP
- Newport Village PP
- Newport Village ZA
- Oakridge Cove Plat C MP
- Office Owners Commercial SP
- Old Mill Estates Plat G FP
- Park View Townhomes Phase 2 FP
- Park View Townhomes Phase 3 FP
- Park View Townhomes RFP
- Park View Townhomes RPP
- PEG Development SP
- Quick Quack Car Wash ZA
- Quick Quack SP
- River Point RPP
- Spanish Highlands Estates Plat E MP
- Stone Minor Plat Amendment
- Sunset Senior Village GP
- T-mobile 1150 East CUP
- T-mobile 700 North CUP
- T-mobile Canyon Road CUP
- The Ridge at Spanish Fork Phase 1A FP
- Townhomes at Maggie's Bend RFP
- Vincent Ridge Phase 1 FP
- Vincent Ridge Phase 2 FP
- Vincent Ridge PP
- Vincent Ridge ZA
- Walmart Neighborhood Market FP
- Walmart Neighborhood Market SP
- Walmart Neighborhood Market ZA
- Walmart PP
- Western Ag Credit MS
- Western Ag Credit SP
- White Rail Plat D RFP
- White Rail Subdivision RPP
201560 documents
- 10th Street Professional Building SP
- 300 North Accessory Apartment
- 600 East Accessory Apartment CUP
- Academy Park Phase 3 FP
- Beehive Homes Addition CUP
- Canyon Creek Shopping Center I-1 to C-2 ZA
- Canyon Creek Shopping Center Phase 4 Lot 1 SP
- Canyon Vista Estates Re-approval PP
- Cedric Evans MS
- Cornaby Railing addition SP
- Davis Estate Change ZA
- Devaney Annexation
- Eagle Cove Plat A
- Eagle Cove ZA
- Eagle Nest FP
- Eagle Nest PP
- Harris Farm MS
- Hawk's Landing FP
- Hawk's Landing PP
- JFM Hangars SP
- JoAnn's at Northgate Shopping Center FP
- Legacy Farms 13A FP
- Legacy Farms 2A FP
- Legacy Farms C1-C2 FP
- Legacy Farms PP
- Legacy Farms ZA
- Ludlow ZA
- Maple Mountain Estates Revised PP 10-20-15
- Maple Mountain Estates Revised PP 4-21-15
- Maple Mountain Townhomes F1 & F2 FP
- Maple Mountain Townhomes H1 & H2 FP
- Maple Mountian E-4 FP
- Mayfield Approved 03-25-2015 MP
- Mayfield Approved 05-06-2015 MP
- MCF Warehouse SP
- Meadow Creek Ridge Phase 1 FP
- Meadow Creek Ridge PP
- North Springs Business Park SP
- Okleberry Trucking SP
- Old Mill Plat E
- Old Mill Plat F FP
- Park View Townhomes Phase 1 FP
- Park View Townhomes PP
- Park View Townhomes ZA
- River Cove Final Plat E
- River Cove Final Plat G
- River Cove Final Plat H
- SF Public Works Building SP
- Spanish Fork Hangar SP
- Storage Unit I-1 to I-2 ZA
- The Ridge at Spanish Fork RFP
- The Ridge Phase 1 FP
- Townhomes at Maggie's Bend FP
- Townhomes at Maggie's Bend PP
- Utah County Dispatch SP
- Verizion Cell Tower CUP
- White Rail Plat D Re-approval FP
- Young Living Building Expansion SP
- Young Living MP
- YSA Stake FS, Spanish Fork Utah For the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
201471 documents
- A Top Auto Sales Site Plan
- Academy Park Final Plat Phase 1
- Academy Park Final Plat Phase 2
- Academy Park Preliminary Plat
- Academy Park Zone Change Application
- AT&T 350 South Conditional Use Permit
- AT&T Center Street Conditional Use Permit
- Canyon Creek Shopping Center Phase 4 Lot 6 and 7 Site Plan
- Canyon Vista Estates Preliminary Plat
- Cardon Dental Office Ste Plan
- Cerna Zone Change Application
- Chick-fil-A SP
- Culver's Restaurant Site Plan
- Elsie S. Thomas Annexation
- Expressway Square Shopping Center Minor Plat Amendment
- Good Earth - Canyon Creek Shopping Center Phase 2, Lot 4 Site Plan
- Green Acers Estate Plat E Minor Plat Amendment
- Isaacs Landing Preliminary Plat
- Isaacs Landing Zone Change Application
- JoAnns at Northgate Final Plat
- JoAnns at Northgate Site Plan
- Joe Harris Zone Change
- Ludlow Farms Condominiums Final Plat
- Maple Heights Plat B Minor Plat Amendment
- Maple Highlands Plat F Final Plat
- Maple Mountain E-3 FP
- Maple Mountain Estates Preliminary Plat
- Maple Mountain Final Plat J Final Plat
- Maple Mountain Final Plat M Final Plat
- Maple Mountain Plat G Final Plat
- Mark Willison Subdivision Waiver
- Mattress Firm - Canyon Creek Phase 2, Lot 3 Site Plan
- Mayfield Subdivision Final Plat
- Mayfield Subdivision Preliminary Plat
- Mayfield Zone Change
- Mecham Subdivision
- Muhlestein Meadows Final Plat
- Muhlestein Meadows Preliminary Plat
- Nebo Credit Union Site Plan
- North Star Building Addition Site Plan
- Old Mill Plat C Final Plat
- Old Mill Plat E Final Plat
- Old Mill Subdivision Plat D Final Plat
- River Cove Plat E
- River Cove Plat G
- River Cove Plat H
- River Cove Preliminary Plat
- River Point Preliminary Plat
- Rock Cove Plat B Final Plat
- Skyhawk Condominiums Final Plat
- Spanish Highlands Estates Plat D Final Plat
- Spanish Trails Townhomes Plat D Final Plat
- Spanish Trails Townhomes Plat D Preliminary Plat
- Stillman Annexation
- Stillman ZA
- The Ridge at Spanish Fork Preliminary Plat
- The Ridge General Plan Change
- Trailside Subdivision Final Plat
- Trailside Subdivision Preliminary Plat
- Trailside Subdivision Zone Change
- Verizon Wireless 65' monopole Conditional Use Permit
- Verizon Wireless 78' monopole Conditional Use Permit
- Verizon Wireless Modification Conditional Use Permit
- Walgreens Site Plan
- Walker Mortuary Addition Site Plan
- Wapiti Plat C MA
- Warner Subdivision
- Warner Subdivision Final Plat
- West Gate Manor Plat E Final Plat
- White Rail Overlook Plat D Final Plat
- White Rail Subdivision Preliminary Plat