Why is the City proposing a roundabout at the intersection of 400 North (SR-147) and SR-51?
The existing three-way stop condition intersection develops excessive queuing lengths and congestion. A roundabout would improve traffic flow through the intersection, decreasing queue lengths.
When will construction occur?
Construction will commence following the end of the school year at the end of May.
How will we be affected by construction?
Construction will cause some delay and inconvenience. The end result will improve traffic flow. The City is working with UDOT to decide on a full shutdown of the intersection to speed up construction completion, or leave the intersection open and phase the project over a longer period of time. We anticipate construction to be completed before the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
How do we navigate through a roundabout?
Information on roundabout use and safety can be found on this Federal Highway Administration link - https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/intersection/innovative/roundabouts/
Is the roundabout impacting private property around the intersection?
Yes, the City is working proactively with adjacent property owners to address impacts. Impacts to properties are being minimized.
How will on street parking be impacted?
Some on-street parking on 400 South and SR-51 will be eliminated due to the new roundabout limits.
How will the existing school crossing be impacted and how will safety be maintained?
The school walking route will remain along the north side of the intersection and appropriate safety features will be included in the roundabout design.
If I have other questions, who can I contact?
You can ask additional questions by calling the project hotline (385.237.1099) or by emailing the project manager, Byron Haslam, at bhaslam@spanishfork.org.