Library Materials Auto Renewal
We’re excited to announce that we’ve enabled auto renewal for items at our library! Items due beginning Feb 1 will automatically renew on the day they’re due if the item doesn’t have a pending hold AND if the max number of renewals for the item hasn’t been met. That means fewer overdue items for us, and fewer overdue fines for you!
What are the benefits of auto renewal?
With auto renewal, you will get to keep items longer without having to remember to renew the item manually. This can ultimately reduce the amount of late fines you accrue by forgetting to return or renew items before they are due.
When will my items auto renew?
Eligible items will auto renew on the morning of the day that they are due.
How will I know if my items auto renewed?
You will receive a notification (either by email or text) indicating which items were renewed and which were not. If an item was not renewed, the notification will indicate why (for example, it is on hold by another patron or you’ve reached the number of allowable renewals for the item). You can update your notification preferences in your account settings at
What items are eligible for auto renewal?
Items are eligible for auto renewal if: (1) no other patrons have a pending hold on the item, AND (2) you haven’t reached the maximum number of allowed renewals for the item (for example, most items can be renewed twice).
What if an item doesn’t renew?
If an item doesn’t auto renew, you will receive a notification and the item will still be due on its scheduled due date. With the exception of children’s books, which are not subject to overdue fines, items returned after their due date will be subject to overdue fines.
Can I or Library Staff manually renew an item before the due date?
Items can only be manually renewed by opting out of auto renewal for the entire account.
Can I opt out of auto renewal?
Yes, you may opt out of auto renewal by updating your preferences at To opt out:
Log into your account
Select “My Preferences” from the menu
Toggle off “Allow Auto Renewal” and tap “Update My Preferences”.
I have more questions about auto renew? How do I contact you?
You can text or call the library at 801.804.4480, or email us at, and we’ll be happy to answer any other questions you have.